Exchange rate for XFI to MPX

The internal exchange rate for XFI to MPX calculated after the launch of the genesis block and before the listing of XFI on exchanges. The calculation made according to a formula similar to the plexus complexity formula, which determines the rate of the PLEX token to the MINE token. The main difference is that the basic return is taken at 100% per year and takes into account the average growth of the total MPX stake of 16.5% per month.

Formula for calculating basic return:

100/12 - 100/12*0.165 ~ 7%

XFI initial cost formula:

( (P/100) * (M / E ) ) / B

  • R - basic return for staking = 7% in 30 days;

  • B - number of blocks in 30 days = 518,400;

  • M - total stake of MPX tokens = 4,000,000,000;

  • E - emission of XFI tokens per block = 5.

Thus, the initial exchange rate of the XFI coin is ~ $1.

This calculation will not carry mathematical precision. It is needed to justify the initial cost of XFI and its exchange rate when listed on the exchange.

The company strategy throughout the XFI emisson period will be aimed at 100% MPX return per year. The marketing activities of the project, the development of new technologies and their implementation in other ecosystems, the release of new products, partner collaborations, the expansion of the ecosystem and the geographical expansion of MinePlexwill be closely related to the company’s aim.

Last updated