Plexus pool

The Plexus Pool (hereinafter referred to as PP) is responsible for generating new blocks and confirming them in the MinePlex Banking blockchain. To organise a PP, you need to expand the node of the MinePlex Banking network and have a minimum stake of 1 MegaMine (hereinafter - - MM) = 1 000 000 Mine.

Block creation

To create a new block, 1 PP is randomly selected. The more MM a particular PP has, the more likely it is that the system will select it to create a new unit and it will receive a reward. Only full MMs are included in the queue.

For example, if the total stake in PP is 1 999 999 Mine, it will be 1 MM for the system. Under these conditions, the average monthly reward for this PP will be 10%, as opposed to 20%.

Block confirmation

To confirm a block, 30 PP are randomly selected, which means that the queue for block confirmation falls 30 times more often than for its creation.

Rewards for blocks

The maximum reward per unit is 600, 300, 150 and 75 PLEX tokens respectively, depending on the emission stage.

The maximum reward is paid if the block was created with ‘0 priority’ and it was confirmed by 30 PPs. The block has ‘0 priority’ if it was created precisely by the PP that was assigned.

Distribution of rewards for a block with ‘0 priority’:

  • 1.666% is paid to the confirming PPs.

  • 1.666% (multiplied by) the number of confirming PPs is paid to the PP which created the block.

Therefore, for the creation of a block, PP will not receive more than 50% of the total maximum reward for the block + commissions for transactions made in this block.

Distribution of rewards for a block without ‘0 priority’:

  • 1.111% is paid to the confirming PPs.

  • 0.250% (multiplied by) the number of confirming PPs is paid to the PP which created the block.

Therefore, for the creation of a block, PP will not receive more than 7.5% of the total maximum reward for the block + commissions for transactions made in this block.

Insurance deposits:

  • 6000 Mine for block creation 0,6% of MM.

  • 200 Mine for block signature 0.02% of MM.

Insurance deposits are frozen for 5 plexus cycles as rewards for creating and signing blocks.


Any user who for any reason is unwilling or unable to organise their own personal PP can delegate their address to one of the PPs. The PP may charge a fee for providing their services.

Last updated